Sunday, May 11, 2014

How does a pool of raven blood type, you ask? Magic!

OK, so this is a side-project I decided to do in order to give people a little window into the goings-on in The Land of Fritillary.  Reviews of restaurants, interviews with local personalities, stuff like that.  If you want to hear about anything in particular, let me know, but if not I'll just do whatever strikes my fancy.  Expect a review of the Dawdling Donkey, a popular pub/inn, in my next post.

Love and kisses,

The magical pool of raven blood


  1. Dear magical pool of raven blood...
    I would very much like to know more about who you are, how old you are, where you came from, and how many ravens it took to make you. Many regular-sized ravens? One huge raven? Perhaps a giant prehistoric dinosaur raven?
    And what happens when you are split into multiple containers - for example: your main body in the pool in Farland's place (the 'mothership', if you will), and then split into perhaps not one, but twenty or thirty vials? Would that be confusing for you?
    What happens if you freeze?
    What happens when you get mad? Does your blood boil?
    What happens when you go deep-sea diving a little bit too deep? Do you get the bends? Does it affect you the same way it affects blood within animals suited to the surface of the Earth?
    Thank you for answering my important questions.

  2. Yo, these are all great questions. I will do a blog update where I answer them!!

    1. Thank you, my dear friend. I've been on the edge of my seat in anticipation of your response (I even fell off a few times...that is how great my anticipation was)!!!
